Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the economy. For this assignment, you will need to identify a LOCAL business and discuss its business model.

**If you would like to personalize this assignment, you may discuss a business that you either currently own or operate or it may be a business that you WISH to own or operate.

You are not allowed to discuss the business model of a national corporation such as Wal-Mart, Best Buy etc. There are too many papers online for you to use as a guide. I want to see your creativity!

Here are the steps of the assignment: (READ CHAPTER 1)

#1- Introduce the business to me- Tell me what the business does, how long it has been in business and what it s estimated annual revenue is (If you can interview the owner, you ll be further ahead!)

#2 What gives this business its competitive advantage?

#3 What are the main operating costs of the business?

#4 What generates the primary revenue in the business?

#5 What is one thing that you would suggest to the owner that would help the business increase revenue?

Write a 300-500 word response that addresses each of these topics. Your paper should have an introduction, conclusion and should cite the sources of your information.

If the company has a website, please also include the web address of the business.