Please help to calculate NCI and prepare consolidated statement for this question
200109 Corporate Accounting Systems Consolidated Financial Statements with Non Controlling Interests Spring 2014 INSTRUCTIONS The assignment is to be submitted as an individual attempt. It must be prepared using Excel spreadsheet and be entirely your own work from this semester only – i.e. do not use or copy any file, in whole or in part, from any previous semester or from any other person. Each student must individually create a new excel file for this assignment and use their student number as the file name. The assignment cover sheet and marking guide can be found as the last two pages of this document. Print these pages and complete the appropriate details. Use the marking guide sheet to see what is expected and how your work will be marked. Significant emphasis is placed on the correctness of the journal entries so ensure you spend adequate time on these. Review your work before submission and consider how well have met the expected standards (performance levels) for the criteria identified. Your submission needs to be printed on A4 paper, single sided, and the pages must be stapled at the top left hand corner only. Do not bind your assignment, nor put it in a folder or a plastic sleeve. The first page must be the completed and signed cover sheet and the last page should be the marking sheet with your student ID and name shown. The marker will use the marking sheet to calculate your assignment result and provide you with feedback on the standard you achieved against each of the criteria. Assignments which do not have these two completed sheets attached will not be accepted. The printed assignment is to be submitted to your tutor during the first 10 minutes of your usual tutorial class in Week 10 beginning 29th September 2014. Submissions made during the tutorial, but after the 10 minute deadline, will be penalised by the deduction of 1 mark. Assignments not submitted at the registered tutorial class will be regarded as “late”. Students will need to contact…