Collect the following data pertaining to your branch or any nearby branch. Each participant is expected to provide data for his own branch or any branch of the ICICI bank which provides lockers.

(the type is only illustrative and you are to fill in the number of each sizes and type based on the classification at the branch)Cost of each type of locker

You are required to:

a. Calculate the profitability of the locker facility of that particular bank branch at current level of occupancy. (6 marks)

b. How many lockers must be sold in order to break even (as far as lockers are concerned)? Specify the break up of number of lockers type wise. E g Type A5 lockers, Type B 15 lockers etc (6 marks)

c. If the bank wants to achieve a minimum profit of Rs. 50,000, how many lockers must be rented out? (6 Marks)

d. Suggest measure to increase the profitability of the locker facility? (12 marks)