AS$ESSfifiENT TASK 4: VARIATIONS Purpose.’ The purpose of this ossessment tosk is to evqluote your obility to onolyse ond identify the reosons for ony cost voriotions, ond to communicote these voriotions to stqkeholders. lnslrucfions: A vqriqtion is required for on qdditionol complete externql quolity door to the proiect. Given the ossessment responses you hove produced obove olong with fhe 5 pock estimqte qnd rqte breok up summories, produce the following: (o) o Voriotion breokup colculotion (b) q Vqriqtion submission in q stondqrd Mqster Builders formot for submission to q client ASSESSMENT T*SK 5: PAYIWENT CLAIMS Purpose: The purpose of this ossessment tosk is to evqluqte your obility to prepore interim poyment cloims ond rise ond fqll colculqtions for the controctor ond subcontrqctors in qccordqnce with relevont codes of proctice, stondords ond legislotive requirements. Irclruclions: Given the ossessment responses you hove produced obove olong with the 5 pock estimote qnd rote breok up summories, produce the following in occordonce with “The Qld Building qnd Construction lndustry Poyments Act 2OO4″ or similor Act in your Stote/territoryr 1o) indicote the time reloted processes required fo produce o monthly progress cloim ‘l b) produce o typicol monthly progress cloim including the following: (i) volue of work done (ii) volue of work done on vqriotions 2o) Reseorch ond record your findings (in less thqn 100 words) on how q rise ond foll cost odiustment ‘^ is mode ond under whot circumstonces. Give qn exomple of q rise ond foll colculotion. 2b) describe how this would be finonciolly reported in your compony. Moster Builders Associolion Version 1.8.1 Sepr 201 I Poge 50 of I 14 CPCCBC5OO2A monitor costing syslems on medium rise building ond conslruclion proiecls A$SES.5[.YTENT TASK 2: FROJECT COSTING Purpose: The purpose of this ossessment tosk is to evqluote your obility to identify ond clossify proiect costs. lnsfruclions: Given the estimote summory ond detqils in Appendix 2 f or o 5 pock block of units in both trode bosed qnd cost cotegory formot, produce the following: (o) o breokdown in cost centre formot of the budget (b) o cost bosed risk ossessment of the tender budget, including where the risk ollocotion would be mode. ASSESSMENT TASK 3: PROJE(1ED $CHEDU;LE$ AND CAS[* FTOWS Purpose: The purpose of this ossessment tqsk is to evoluote your obility to prepore schedules of proiect expenditure, ond curves showing proiected cosh flow ond poyments. lnslrucfions: Given the ossessmeni response you hove produced obove olong with the 5 pock estimote qnd rote breok up summories, produce the following: (o) o bor chort or network diogrom for the project ,0, ;,,tJ:”:”Joted bqseline cosh flow summory in tobulor form for the proiect, showing criticol (c) o boseline octuol cost cqsh flow summory (d) colculotion of the proiected monthly progress clqim volues (e) from the obove, produce o proiected cosh flow’S’curve for the proiect (f) modified cosh flows for eorly stort qnd lote finish risk scenorios / 1 (g) modified cosh flows for olternotive cost bqsed risk scenorios (h) comporison of the obove risk qnd time reloted cqsh flows ond note differences (i) comporison of the proiected boseline income cosh flow with the boseline octuol cost cosh flow (i) o report on the purpose of monitoring expenditure schedules ond their effectiveness (k) pessimistic overdrqft requirements (l) the iypicol reosons why o cosh flow con chonge, the procedure for revising the cosh flow Msster Builders Associqlion Version 1.8.1 Sepr 201 I Poge 59 of I 14 CPCCBC5OO2A monilor cosling syslems on medium rise building ond conslruclion proiecls ASSESSAfrENT TAS,K 6: MONITORING CASH FtOttr Purpose: The purpose of this ossessment tosk is to evoluqte your obility to mointqin continuous checks on expenditure ond evoluote outcomes. lnslrucfions: Give qn exomple of how cqsh flow qnd creditor pqyments ore monitored on q doily bosis. ASSESSIVIENT TASK 7: FQRECAST’ REPORT Purpose: The purpose of this qssessment tqsk is to evoluqte your obility to prepore ond onolyse finol cost reports. lnstruclions: Given the ossessmeni responses you hove produced qbove olong with the 5 pock estimote ond rote breok up summories, produce the following: (o) o forecost finol cost mqnogement report comporing budgets with finol expenditure (b) o report on the effectiveness of comporing octuol with budgeted costs (c) o procedure for moniioring ond supervising stoff responsible for producing costing dqto ond finonciol reports (d) o report on budget vs. finql cost detoiling reosons for vorionce for both budget cosi oyerruns ond surplus for future monogement qciion ond how effective fhis is. (e) o report on whot remediql qction con be token during o prolect to ensure finonciol complionce (f) o report on whot remediol oction would be required on completion of on unfovourqble finonciol report with respect to stqndqrd compony rotes qnd pricing structures
