Payroll accounting. Assume that the following tax rates and payroll information pertain to Brookhaven Publishing:

• Social Security taxes: 6% on the first $55,000 earned

• Medicare taxes: 1.5% on the first $130,000 earned

• Federal income taxes withheld from wages: $7,500

• State income taxes: 5% of gross earnings

• Insurance withholdings: 1% of gross earnings

• State unemployment taxes: 5.4% on the first $7,000 earned

• Federal unemployment taxes: 0.8% on the first $7,000 earned

The company incurred a salary expense of $50,000 during February. All employees had earned less than $5,000 by month-end.

a. Prepare the necessary entry to record Brookhaven’s February payroll. The entry will include deductions for the following:

• Social Security taxes

• Medicare taxes

• Federal income taxes withheld

• State income taxes

• Insurance withholdings

b. Prepare the journal entry to record Brookhaven’s payroll tax expense. The entry will include the following:

• Matching Social Security taxes

• Matching Medicare taxes

• State unemployment taxes

• Federal unemployment taxes