Assignment: Final Research Paper

In recent years, there has been an effort to develop a common set of accounting standards for nations and firms doing business around the world. For the final project, you are to discuss how the effort for a global set of accounting standards has increased the motivation or need to establish a global set of ethical standards. Include in your discussion the history of the 1) U.S. (AICPA) and 2) international ethical standards (IFAC). How are the U.S. and the international community developing a common set of ethical standards? What are some of the challenges faced by the two governing bodies?

The paper is to be 8 10 pages (of content) long and prepared in accordance with APA guidelines. There should also be a 1 2 paragraph abstract and a bibliography showing a significant variety of current, relevant sources that are used and cited in the paper. The paper is to be submitted via the course Dropbox by Day 7 of Unit 6.