C:3-52 Controlled Groups. Which of the following groups constitute controlled groups? (Any stock not listed below is held by unrelated individuals each owning less than 1% of the outstanding stock.) For brother-sister corporations, which definition applies?
a. Judy owns 90% of the single classes of stock of Hot and Ice Corporations.
b. Jones and Kane Corporations each have only a single class of stock outstanding. The two controlling individual shareholders own the stock as follows:
Stock Ownership Percentages
Shareholder Jones Corp. Kane Corp.
Tom 60% 80%
Mary 30% 0%
c. Link, Model, and Name Corporations each have a single class of stock outstanding.
The stock is owned as follows:
Stock Ownership Percentages
Shareholder Model Corp. Name Corp.
Link Corp. 80% 50%
Model Corp. 40%
Link Corporation s stock is widely held by over 1,000 shareholders, none of whom owns directly or indirectly more than 1% of Link s stock.
d. Oat, Peach, Rye, and Seed Corporations each have a single class of stock outstanding.
The stock is owned as follows:
Stock Ownership Percentages
Shareholder Oat Corp. Peach Corp. Rye Corp. Seed Corp.
Bob 100% 90%
Oat Corp. 80% 30%
Rye Corp. 60% Read Less