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Document Preview:

1. An Historical Look at Corporations ? HYPERLINK “file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/NY%20Times%20-%20Business%20to%20Pay%20Share%20-%205.3.12-1.pdf” ?file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/NY%20Times%20-%20Business%20to%20Pay%20Share%20-%205.3.12-1.pdf? Class, The attached NY Times article provides some interesting information that just happens to tie right into our chapter discussion. Currently it is the states & territories & DC that license (issue the charters) for corporations. I added this note & attachment to see if it might just be a bit of fodder that would stimulate some discussion. Enjoy, thanks, Michael J. Student discussion: Wow, this article is certianly an eye opener. The fact that such a profitable American company has found a way to legally not pay billions of dollars in taxes is quite alarming. I understand that due to large companies being able to afford lobbyists and certain states that benefit from the current rules, it would be difficult to pass a National Companies Act, but I feel that it is necessary. America cannot afford to allow these large companies to slip through the cracks, the success of a business should not be measured by the amount of loopholes it can find. 2. Ethical Twist Class, I found this VPR broadcast of interest. We are studying corporations. Is there a corporate soul? Is there a moral obligation that big corporations (and little ones as well) have to society. In the ethics classes we find more than just the right & wrong behavior issues. We see reasons individuals & groups of individuals act the way they do. Armed with that knowledge basis we may find ways thwart their actions. I am listening at this time to VPR (Vermont Public Radio) and there is a very good discussion going on about ethical (or unethical) actions that are being taken by employers to underpay or abuse workers. It is very interesting to see how these employers justify their actions. The broadcast is called “on…
