Introduction Debates are exercises designed to allow you to strengthen your skills in the areas of communicating your understanding of the underlying concepts, leadership, interpersonal influence, teambuilding, group problem solving, and oral presentation. Conducting debates professionally should give you an opportunity to thoughtfully consider those topics and hear others view on the same. Debate topics and position statements are outlined below. Groups may sign up on a first come, first served basis, by specifying both the debate topic and the position desired (i.e., Pro or Con).

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Introduction Debates are exercises designed to allow you to strengthen your skills in the areas of communicating your understanding of the underlying concepts, leadership, interpersonal influence, teambuilding, group problem solving, and oral presentation. Conducting debates professionally should give you an opportunity to thoughtfully consider those topics and hear others view on the same. Debate topics and position statements are outlined below. Groups may sign up on a first come, first served basis, by specifying both the debate topic and the position desired (i.e., Pro or Con). Preparation will require substantial library research. Debate Topic: Graduate level Finance education is compulsory to become a successful investor PRO: Your group will stress about the importance of finance courses at graduate level to nurture investors. CON: Your group will want to prove that education is not a precondition to achieve success in the investment industry. Task for Assignment – Getting Ready!! (Individual) Register your name with the instructor by choosing your topic and the stand you will take. Individually prepare and submit your arguments for the topic chosen in the following format. Introduction to the topic and stand you have taken. At least 8 strong and well explained points to prove your stand on the topic. Each of these points must be well researched and the source should be referenced. You will need to clearly explain how your argument proves the stand you are taking for the topic. You can use examples, news item and data, real company or economic information, research findings from relevant research papers or journal articles. Conclusion paragraph where you reiterate and show confidence in proving that your argument is strong enough to attract audience agreement. The write up should be 500 to 750 words and presented in a professional and neat format. Page 1 of 1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
