Please see attached for the three discussion questions. No word minimum. Please cite all sources using APA format. Original work only.

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A company that provides training, certification and consulting services to commercial, government, and non-profit organizations in applying best practices in balanced scorecard (BSC), strategic performance management and measurement, and transformation and change management has a customer success story on its website at Click on the Award for Excellence link (on the right-side of the page) and read the story about Mecklenburg County, which successfully transformed the county government and positioned it for tough times. Summarize the success story and explain how it relates to what you have learned in this course this week. Discussion Questions 1) To transform an organization like that can take a very long time; it’s surprising.  A major shift like that in any organization is time consuming.  Luckily, once they are reached that point, they shouldn’t have to do that again.  What steps can the county take to keep things continually balanced going forward? 2) I liked how you stated that the change Mecklenburg County had to undergo required them to not “cut their own throats” while trying to save money on a depleted budget. Do you think our government could benefit from a balanced scorecard? Do you think we already have one in place? Answer The Mecklenburg County case study proves the importance as well as effectiveness of balanced scorecard in providing a comprehensive and consistent approach in decision making in an organization driven by data and in sync with its vision, goals and strategies. In the beginning of the 21st century, faced by some financial crunch in the state of North Carolina, the funding given to the county was cut down significantly. This led to the challenge of managing the budget effectively without having significant impact on the county services. This is where the balance scorecard, a long term mission and vision came into play for the county. The county established a 15 year…
