
I need help with financial statment analysis project. For more details check the aatached files.

(The company to analyise is Autozone)


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FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT ACTG 201: RUSS SPRING 2013 Due May 8, 2013 Project Overview Your assignment is to select a domestic corporation that is predominantly in a retail industry whose stock is publicly traded and pretend that you are a financial analyst scoping out a potential investment. You should focus on the general financial health of the company and pretend you are doing a very simple initial analysis of the company. A domestic corporation is one that is based in the United States. I want you to use a U.S. company because they will be applying U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) to their financial statements. These are the accounting rules you are learning this semester. Foreign accounting rules may differ from U.S. GAAP, complicating your task. Foreign companies that are trading on US stock exchanges have converted to US GAAP, but the conversion is not 100% transparent for inexperienced financial statement users. Therefore, make sure your company is based in the U.S. I want all students to choose a retailer to promote comparability in classroom discussions of your financial analysis project. A retailer is a company that purchases merchandise to resell to consumers. You may choose a company that manufactures its product as long as reselling is a major part of its business operations. Companies are categorized according to four-digit SIC (Standard Industry Classification) codes. The main retailing SIC codes start with 59 as the first two digits. Check your company’s  description  or  its  SIC  code  to   make sure it is a retailer. A publicly traded company is one whose stock is traded on an organized exchange (NYSE, AMEX, etc.). A broad spectrum of shareholders own the company. Publicly traded companies are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to protect the investing public. The SEC requires these companies to follow explicit accounting rules and to provide…
