SECOND (GROUP) PROJECT REQUIRED: This project is worth 20 points. It is an opportunity to put together some of the things you have learned in different parts of this course. Read the case and answer the requirements below. For this project you may work together in groups of up to 3 people. Group members may come from any of professor Milbrath’s or Professor Li’ sections of Acct. 2332. The names, usernames and Peoplesoft numbers of the group members must be written clearly below. If there is only one member in the group you should leave the rows for the second and third member below blank.

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SECOND (GROUP) PROJECT REQUIRED: This project is worth 20 points. It is an opportunity to put together some of the things you have learned in different parts of this course. Read the case and answer the requirements below. For this project you may work together in groups of up to 3 people. Group members may come from any of professor Milbrath’s or Professor Li’ sections of Acct. 2332. The names, usernames and Peoplesoft numbers of the group members must be written clearly below. If there is only one member in the group you should leave the rows for the second and third member below blank. If there are two members you should leave just the third row blank. To receive credit you must write full answers, using the templates provided for each requirement We must ask you to handwrite your answers and show any calculations you feel are needed. Hand your project in to the accounting lab 133MH during lab hours on or before Thursday November 21 at 7 PM. 1) GROUP MEMBERS: NAME Blackboard Username Peoplesoft Number YOUR RECEIPT NUMBER _______________(lab assistants will give you this) PROJECT FACTS Manny Fold owns a factory that specializes in making titanium valves for high performance engines on a just in time basis. Thus, Manny produces what he sells in a particular month. There are no inventories of finished goods or work in process. However, Manny does require that an inventory of direct raw materials equal to 16% of next month’s production requirement be available at the end of each month. To build his business and gain new customers Manny has extended generous credit terms to his customers. While Manny is confident about the fundamentals of his business, he is concerned about the possible income and cash flow implications. The variable costs of producing a valve are budgeted at $6.60 per valve (3/4 pound of titanium alloy costing $8.80 per pound for materials), $2.50 per valve for direct labor, and $5.90 per valve…
