Multiple Choice Question 119 Ann Ellis’s regular rate of pay is $15 per hour with one and one-half times her regular rate for any hours which exceed 40 hours per week. She worked 48 hours last week. Therefore, her gross wages were $780. $720. $1,080. $600. Multiple Choice Question 134 The following totals for the month of June were taken from the payroll register of Ford Company.

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Multiple Choice Question 119????Ann Ellis’s regular rate of pay is $15 per hour with one and one-half times her regular rate for any hours which exceed 40 hours per week. She worked 48 hours last week. Therefore, her gross wages were? ?$780.?? ?$720.?? ?$1,080.?? ?$600.?? ?? Multiple Choice Question 134????The following totals for the month of June were taken from the payroll register of Ford Company. Salaries and wages??$40,000??FICA taxes withheld??3,066??Income taxes withheld??8,800??Medical insurance deductions??1,600??Federal unemployment taxes??320??State unemployment taxes??2,000???The journal entry to record the monthly payroll on June 30 would include a? ?debit to Salaries and Wages Payable for $40,000.?? ?debit to Salaries and Wages Expense for $40,000.?? ?debit to Salaries Expense for $26,534.?? ?credit to Salaries and Wages Payable for $40,000.?? ?? Multiple Choice Question 140????Which of the following payroll taxes are usually filed and remitted annually?? ?State unemployment taxes?? ?Federal and state unemployment taxes?? ?Federal unemployment taxes?? ?FICA taxes?? ?? Multiple Choice Question 155????Nick Dent, an employee of Spottswood Company, has gross earnings for the month of October of $4,000. FICA taxes are 8% of gross earnings, federal income taxes amount to $635 for the month, state income taxes are 2% of gross earnings, and Nick authorizes voluntary deductions of $10 per month to the United Fund. What is the net pay for Nick Dent?? ?$2,955?? ?$2,965?? ?$2,968?? ?$2,961?? ?? Multiple Choice Question 41????The individual assets invested by a partner in a partnership ?are jointly owned by all partners.?? ?revert back to that partner if the partnership liquidates.?? ?determine the scope of authority of that partner.?? ?determine that partner’s share of net income or loss for the year.???? Multiple Choice Question 45????The partnership agreement should include each of the following except the ?date of the partnership inception.?? ?principal…
