Pinnacle Manufacturing Company

Common-Size Income Statement-Machine Tech Division

Three Years Ending December 31, 2009

2009 2008 2007

Dollar Value % of Div. Sales Dollar Value % of Div. Sales Dollar Value % of Div. Sales

Sales $5,670,915 100.00% $5,790,017 100.00% $5,299,644 100.00%

Sales Returns and Allowances 9,518 0.17% 13,411 0.23% 13,901 0.26%

Cost of Sales* 1,824,751 32.18% 1,993,730 34.43% 1,830,458 34.54%

Gross Profit 3,836,646 67.65% 3,782,876 65.34% 3,455,285 65.20%


Salaries-Management 94,153 1.66% 93,206 1.61% 84,906 1.60%

Salaries-Office 13,008 0.23% 11,582 0.20% 11,354 0.21%

Licensing and certification fees 32,315 0.57% 27,465 0.47% 24,435 0.46%

Security 22,732 0.40% 24,888 0.43% 23,322 0.44%

Insurance 3,851 0.07% 4,055 0.07% 4,016 0.08%

Medical benefits 818 0.01% 958 0.02% 889 0.02%

Advertising 6,708 0.12% 6,948 0.12% 6,129 0.12%

Business publications 1,958 0.03% 1,864 0.03% 246 0.00%

Property taxes 1,490 0.03% 6,948 0.12% 6,500 0.12%

Bad debts 34,296 0.60% 41,063 0.71% 37,341 0.70%

Depreciation expense 247,813 4.37% 181,217 3.13% 161,609 3.05%

Accounting fees 11,074 0.20% 11,828 0.20% 11,286 0.21%

Total operating expenses-Allocated 470,216 8.29% 412,022 7.11% 372,033 7.01%


Salaries-Sales 204,801 3.61% 211,855 3.66% 195,255 3.68%

Wages Rental 506,186 8.93% 546,228 9.43% 500,630 9.45%

Wages-Mechanics 1,146,126 20.21% 1,229,015 21.23% 1,159,488 21.88%

Wages-Warehouse 193,851 3.42% 208,437 3.60% 202,481 3.82%

Garbage collection 28,458 0.50% 27,313 0.47% 33,017 0.62%

Payroll benefits 143,924 2.54% 114,664 1.98% 107,075 2.02%

Rent- Warehouse 28,949 0.51% 28,949 0.50% 27,223 0.51%

Telephone 1,823 0.03% 2,349 0.04% 2,852 0.05%

Utilities 14,837 0.26% 10,419 0.18% 10,148 0.19%

Postage 4,846 0.09% 5,218 0.09% 5,604 0.11%

Linen service 596 0.01% 321 0.01% 397 0.01%

Repairs and maintenance 9,689 0.17% 10,536 0.18% 10,568 0.20%

Cleaning service 3,348 0.06% 3,185 0.06% 2,889 0.05%

Legal service 11,658 0.21% 12,161 0.21% 9,209 0.17%

Fuel 15,036 0.27% 13,323 0.23% 10,345 0.20%

Travel and entertainment 5,072 0.09% 4,055 0.07% 3,719 0.07%

Pension expense 6,554 0.12% 10,203 0.18% 5,175 0.10%

Office supplies 6,188 0.11% 5,791 0.10% 6,331 0.12%

Miscellaneous 8,386 0.15% 4,622 0.08% 5,956 0.11%

Total operating expenses-Direct 2,340,328 41.29% 2,448,644 42.30% 2,298,362 43.36%

Total operating expenses 2,810,544 49.58% 2,860,666 49.41% 2,670,395 50.37%

OPERATING INCOME $1,026,102 18.07% $922,210 15.93% $784,890 14.83%

* Details of manufacturing expenses are not included in this schedule.

Material Mistatements

Account Balance Estimate of Amount of

Potential Mistatements

Property Tax $1,490 $4,000

Depreciation Expense $ 247,813 $40,000

Pension Expense $10,203 $3,000

Miscellaneous $8,386 $2,000

E. Explain whether you believe the information in requirement c or d provides the most useful data for evaluating the potential for misstatements. Explain why.

F. Your aging analysis of accounts receivable and discussions with management indicate that collections of accounts receivable have been somewhat slower than in the previous year. Evaluate whether or not you believe the allowance for uncollectible accounts is fairly valued. If you believe the account is misstated, calculate the potential misstatement.