in our feature story about super bakery inc, we described a virtual corporation as one that consists of a core unit that is supported by a network of outsourced activities. a virtual corporation minimizes investment in human resource, fixed assets, and working capita. tha application of ABC to super bakery inc is described in an actricle tittled ABC in a virtual corporation by tom davis and bruce darling in the october 1996 isse of mamagement accounting


assume you are the owner of a virtual corporation. using the article as a basis for your communication, write a summary that answers the following questions

1 what unique strategies and tactics did super bakery’s management implement that caused sales to take off and continue to grow an average rate of 20%?

2 why did super bakery’s management feel that it was necessary to install an ABC system?

3 what is the main difference between super bakery’s ABC system and other manufacturers’ ABC system?