
Select the best answer.

1. Internal service funds are reported as

a. business-type activities in government-wide

statements and governmental funds in fund


b. proprietary funds in fund statements and

governmental activities in government-wide


c. business-type activities in government-wide

statements and proprietary funds in fund


d. governmental funds in fund statements and

governmental activities in government-wide


2. In which of the following statements would depreciation

not be reported?

a. internal service fund statement of revenues,

expenses, and changes in fund net assets

b. government-wide statement of activities

c. capital projects fund statement of revenues,

expenditures, and changes in fund balance

d. enterprise fund statement of revenues, expenses,

and changes in fund net assets

3. Which of the following is “required supplementary


a. explanation of accounting principles used in

preparing the financial statements

b. schedule of changes in capital assets

c. budgetary comparison

d. ten-year trend of assessed property values

4. Which of the following is not required to be

incorporated into the budgetary comparison?

a. expenditures per the originally adopted


b. expenditures per the amended budget

c. actual expenditures

d. variance between the actual expenditures

and those per the amended budget

5. The management’s discussion and analysis

(MD&A) is most likely to include information


a. service efforts and accomplishments

b. market values of government-owned capital


c. the condition of infrastructure assets

d. financial performance during the period

covered by the financial statements

6. Which of the following is not one of the three

main categories of funds?

a. governmental funds

b. permanent funds

c. proprietary funds

d. fiduciary funds

7. “Major” funds include

a. all governmental funds plus proprietary

funds that have fund balances greater than

10 percent of those of all proprietary funds


b. the general fund, special revenue funds, capital

projects funds, and debt service funds

c. the general fund plus all funds that have assets

greater that 50 percent of those of the

general fund

d. the general fund plus other funds in which

total assets, revenues, or expenditures/

expenses of the fund are at least 10 percent

of the corresponding total for the relevant

fund category (governmental or enterprise)

and also at least 5 percent of the corresponding

total for all governmental and enterprise

funds combined

8. The assets and liabilities of nonmajor governmental

funds would be

a. aggregated and reported in the governmental

funds balance sheet in a single column

b. excluded from the government-wide statement

of net assets

c. shown only in notes to the financial statements

d. reported as required supplementary information

9. Which of the following would not be reported

on a government-wide statement of activities?

a. a transfer of cash from the general fund to a

debt service fund

b. costs incurred by the recreation department

for electricity purchased from the cityowned

electric utility

c. depreciation on traffic lights

d. interest on bonds issued by the electric utility


10. Which of the following is not required to be included

in a government’s basic financial statements

or required supplementary information?

a. a reconciliation between proprietary fund

financial statements and the business-type

activities column of the government-wide

financial statements

b. a reconciliation between governmental fund

financial statements and the governmental

activities column of the government-wide

financial statements

c. a reconciliation between revenues reported

on the basis of GAAP and those reported on

a budgetary basis

d. a comparison between actual expenditures

and expenditures per the amended budget


Even at this early stage of the course it is possible to reconstruct

journal entries from a balance sheet.

The Sherill Utility District was recently established.

Here is its balance sheet, after one year.

Sherill Utility District

Balance Sheet as of End of Year 1

(in millions)


Gen- Proj- Debt

eral ects Service

Fund Fund Fund Totals


Cash $30 $ 30

Investments $90 $20 110

Total Assets $30 $90 $20 $140

Liabilities and

Fund Balances:

Fund Balances $30 $90 $20 $140

Note the following additional information:

a. The general fund received all of its revenue,

$150 million, from taxes (all collected). It had

operating expenditures, excluding transfers to

other funds, of $100 million (all paid for).

b. The general fund transferred $20 million to

the debt service fund. Of this, $15 million

was to repay the principal on bonds outstanding;

$5 million was for interest.

c. The district issued $130 million in bonds to

finance construction of plant and equipment.

Of this, it expended $40 million.

1. Prepare journal entries to summarize these activities

in the appropriate funds. You need not

make closing entries. Do not be concerned as to

the specific titles of accounts to be debited or

credited (e.g., whether a transfer from one fund

to another should be called a “transfer,” an “expense”

or an “expenditure,” or whether proceeds

from bonds should be called “bond

proceeds” or “revenues.”)

2. Comment on how the district’s governmentwide

(full accrual) statement of net assets would

differ from the balance sheet presented.


Fund Fund

The transactions of the authority are accounted for

in the following governmental fund types:

‘ General fund”To account for all revenues and

expenditures not required to be accounted for in

other funds.

‘ Capital projects fund”To account for financial

1. Recast the balance sheets of the two funds into a

single consolidated balance sheet. Show separately,

however, the restricted and the unrestricted

portions of the consolidated fund

balance account (not each individual asset and

liability). Be sure to eliminate interfund

payables and receivables.

2. Which presentation, the unconsolidated or the

consolidated, provides more complete information?

Explain. Which presentation might be

seen as misleading? Why? What, if any, advantages

do you see to the presentation that is less

complete and more misleading?


Consolidated balances are not substitutes for individual

fund balance sheets.

The combined governmental fund balance sheet of

the town of Paris is presented on next page.

Per schedules included in the notes to the financial

statements, the town had $1,450 of capital

assets (net of accumulated depreciation) and $1,315

in long-term liabilities associated with the capital


1. Recast the balance sheets in the form of a single

consolidated, full accrual balance sheet.

2. Put yourself in the place of an analyst. The

town mayor presents you with the consolidated

balance sheet. He asserts that the town’s

financial position is excellent, as measured

by the exceedingly “healthy” fund balance.

Based on your having seen the combined

balance sheet that shows the individual

fund types, why might you be skeptical of his


3. Comment on why a consolidated balance sheet

is no substitute for a combined balance sheet

that reports on major funds.


Exploring Vero Beach’s financial report

Refer to the financial statements of the City of

Vero Beach that are included in this chapter.

1. Per the government-wide statement of activities,

how much did the city incur in expense for

police? Of this amount, how much had to be

covered from general tax and other unrestricted


2. Per the governmental funds statement of revenues,

expenditures, and changes in fund balances,

how much did the city incur in

expenditures for police? How do you account

for the difference between this amount and your

response to question 1?

3. Per the government-wide statement of activities,

what was the ending balance in net assets

associated with governmental activities? Is this

consistent with the government-wide statement

of net assets?

4. How much was transferred (net) from businesstype

to governmental activities during the year?

5. How much in taxes did the city direct to the

support of business-type activities?

6 Vero Beach’s statement include a schedule

(Table 3-6)

7. As noted in the text, government-wide statements

are on a full accrual basis and therefore

the statement of activities includes charges for

depreciation. Orlando’s government-wide statement

of activities reports $1.8 million of unallocated

depreciation (i.e., not allocated to specific

functions or programs) for governmental activities.

How much depreciation did Orlando allocate

to specific functions or programs of

governmental activities?

9. Over 90 percent of the total amount of capital

assets reported in the government-wide statement

of net assets are devoted to business-type

activities. What is the most likely explanation as

to why the proportion of capital assets directed

to business-type activities is greater than that

devoted to governmental activities?