Keyword Portfolio #1
For this week you may write about readings from Week 2 or Week 3!
For your Keyword Portfolio, each week write about 250 about a key concept, word, or idea from our course readings, videos, podcast or other material on the syllabus for this week that strikes you as particularly vibrant, confusing, relevant, troublesome or profound.
- Please integrate at least two readings on weeks when there are multiple readings, either by discussing a keyword that links some of the week’s readings or writing two short keyword entries for 2 readings.
- You should write for about 30 min, providing a key quote or two with some reflection of your own take on the reading or readings. Please try to make a connection between a couple of readings if there are multiples assigned.
- This is not meant to be totally polished writing, but should demonstrate that you have engaged with the required reading for the week, and should be written in academic English (sentences, paragraphs, correct spelling, etc.).
- Please make sure to include a “works cited” for your Keyword, indicating which reading you are referencing, and use correct citation style (either MLA, APA or Chicago) to indicate page numbers for your quote. This is an excellent practice to get into for an ethical research practice.
What makes a good keyword entry?
- Put your preferred first name and your last name at the top of the page.
- Identify which word, concept or phrase you are writing about as your keyword or concept.
- Use your own summary AND direct quotations from the text (with page numbers) to demonstrate that you understand the complexity of the term in the context of the argument or ideas of the author(s) of the reading(s) you are referencing.This will help you in the future when you are having your Keyword Conversations and later in the semester when you will be asked to put multiple authors into conversation with each other.
- You must be citing materials from this course! If you want to bring in outside materials that is fine, but the point of the exercise is to show that you have read and understood the course material!
- Include the Works Cited at the bottom
- Make sure you are writing about 250 words (not too many more and not much less).
- Make sure to use the author’s/authors’ name/s when you are talking about their work.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to use an example or want to write whether you disagree or agree or want to evaluate the position or argument of the author(s), put that at the end of your keyword entry! Make sure that you demonstrate that you understand the nuances of the author’s arguments and give direct reference to the texts *before* launching into your example or evaluation.
Keyword grading rubric: (i’ve added a new rubric to better reflect the keyword portfolio)
EAG – Exceptional Awesome Glowing – thoughtful and careful reading, writing and critical analysis; deals with the complexities of the reading/s and demonstrates a rigorous and creative capacity with the key idea/s; this is some polished, shiny work! Come see me to discuss.
GWWP – Good Work Well-Played – meets all elements of the assignment and demonstrates a clear understanding of the material; substantial engagement with the complexities of the material; but not quite polished all the way. Come see me to discuss.
GTNW – Getting There Needs Work – is getting the basic idea, but is not engaging with complexity; needs at least one element of the assignment to be improved. Come see me to discuss.
NSWKG – Needs Significant Work Keep Going– submitted the work, but it’s not fulfilling the terms of the assignment; needs multiple elements to be improved; did you read the assignment carefully? likely the student needs to pay more attention to the assignment details. Come see me to discuss.
WIT? – Where is it? Did not turn in.
Readings: we using these readings
- UTSC Land Acknowledgement: Links to an external site.
- “Indigenous Stories Shine Light on treaty involving land where U of T Scarborough now stands.” Don Campbell, 2017. to an external site.
- “First Nations students lead Indigenous history virtual campus tours.” Sean McNeely. A & S News. Aug 27, 2020. to an external site.
- “Beyond Territorial Acknowledgments.” 2016. âpihtawikosisân (blog). September 23, 2016. (Links to an external site.).
- Chelsea Vowel. “What is a ‘Social Justice Framework’?”